The School of Economics, founded in 1974, is one of the largestand oldest schools in Capital University of Economics and Business (CUEB), consistsof three departments: the Department of Economics, the Department ofInternational Economics and Trade and the Department of National Economics. Itruns six research institutions: CUEB Economic Research Institute, ResearchCenter for WTO, China Research Center for Economic Growth and Business Cycle,China Research Center for Circulation, Research Center for Quantitative Economicsand China Research Center for Brand. The school also has a laboratory foreconomic system analysis and simulation and a reference center.
TheSchool presently (May 2014) has 1300 around undergraduates, 400 postgraduatesand 150 international degree students.
Over the years, the School of Economics has adhered toa "student-centered, teacher-oriented philosophy ", guided by “ademocratic working style in a relaxing cultural environment, rigorous academicideas, harmonious relationships and open educational thought”, aiming at developingtalents with deep foundation and widerscope of skills so that the students can apply their knowledge efficiently toany types of environment, especially an international environment. The Schoolof Economics has already delivered more than 7000 graduates to the job markets,and they have made great achievements in their work units. At the same time,after 30 years’ historical accumulation of teaching and research activitieswith a strong soft power, the School of Economics has set up and ensured a goodlearning atmosphere, teaching culture, and school culture.